Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 56 66.0

line true false branch
28 0 0 unless defined $name
30 0 0 unless length $name
37 0 193 unless my $aa = $class->parse_type($_[0])
38 0 193 unless my $bb = $class->parse_type($_[1])
46 0 188 unless $type
54 54 777 unless defined $type
55 442 335 if blessed $type and $type->isa('MIME::Type')
56 219 116 unless $type =~ /\W+/
59 1 334 if $type =~ m[^text/javascript$]i
68 36 3 if (ref $resource eq 'ARRAY') { }
3 0 elsif (ref $resource eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (blessed $resource) { }
75 0 0 if ($resource->isa('Path::Resource')) { }
0 0 elsif ($resource->isa('URI::ToDisk')) { }
98 27 273 if $_filter = $possible->new_parse($filter, @_)
111 42 525 unless defined $value
115 0 0 $value ? :
116 19 52 $value ? :
117 0 0 $value ? :
119 3 564 if $found and $deprecated
128 56 9 if ref $path eq 'HASH'
130 2 63 if ref $path eq 'SCALAR'
132 11 52 unless $path
133 1 62 if blessed $path and $path->isa('Path::Class::Dir')
134 8 55 if $path and $path =~ m[/$]
135 5 58 if $path =~ m[(?:^|/)[^.]+$]
138 7 56 if (ref $filter eq 'HASH') { }
154 0 63 if $path =~ s/%b/%-l/g