Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 86 36.0

line true false branch
272 0 0 if ($class->isa('File::AptFetch') and not ref $class) { }
273 0 0 unless defined $args
274 0 0 unless not ref $args or "HASH" eq ref $args
276 0 0 unless "HASH" eq ref $args
277 0 0 unless defined $args->{'method'}
279 0 0 if defined $args->{'force_file'}
281 0 0 $args->{'method'} eq 'file' && !$self->{'force_file'} ? :
283 0 0 unless ref $self
285 0 0 if defined $args->{'wink'}
286 0 0 if defined $args->{'beat'}
291 0 0 if ($args and 'HASH' ne ref $args) { }
0 0 elsif (not $args) { }
303 0 0 defined $self->{'wink'} ? :
0 0 defined $args->{'wink'} ? :
307 0 0 defined $self->{'beat'} ? :
0 0 defined $args->{'beat'} ? :
310 0 0 $beat ? :
313 0 0 unless $self->{'force_file'}
316 0 0 if $rv
320 0 0 if $rv
322 0 0 $fn ? :
330 0 0 if (grep(($self->{'Status'} == $_), ('201', '400', '401', '402', '403'))) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'Status'} == 200) { }
332 0 0 if $wink
336 0 0 if $wink
349 1 7 unless defined $slf->{'message'}{'uri'}
351 2 5 unless $slf->{'trace'}{$fn} and defined $slf->{'message'}{'size'}
353 1 4 if $slf->{'message'}{'size'} =~ tr[0-9][\000-/:-\377]c
355 2 2 unless defined $slf->{'trace'}{$fn}{'final_size'}
371 45 2 if ($rv)
373 39 6 defined $rec->{'size'} && defined $rec->{'back'} ? :
374 21 24 if $diff > 0
494 8 11 do { $stat{'activity'} if not $stat{'inc'} } ? :
19 1 exists $stat{'inc'} || $stat{'activity'} ? :
496 8 11 if not $stat{'inc'}
511 44 16 if (@{$stat{'trace'};} < $indexes[$ix])
512 15 1 if ($stat{'speeds'}[$ix]) { }
522 0 16 if ($stat{'speeds'}[$ix] < 0)
532 0 16 $lag > 30 ? :
0 16 $lag > 1800 ? :
0 16 $lag > 43200 ? :
0 16 !$stat{'speeds'}[$ix] || $lag > 432000 ? :
542 19 1 if $faf->{'cheat_beat'} and defined $sm->[0]