Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 42 78.5

line true false branch
38 4 1281 if $meta->build_complete
43 776 505 if (blessed $layer and blessed($layer)->isa('Test::Workflow::Layer'))
44 0 776 if $layer->finalized
108 1 134 unless ($instance)
110 0 1 if $caller->can('new')
124 48 704 if ("$sort" =~ /^sort/) { }
530 174 elsif ("$sort" =~ /^rand/) { }
0 174 elsif (ref $sort eq 'CODE') { }
0 174 elsif (not $sort =~ /^ord/) { }
137 1086 39 if $a->is_wrap == $b->is_wrap
139 13 26 if $a->is_wrap
157 20 313 if ($todo)
161 40 293 if (my $specific = $ENV{'FENNEC_TEST'})
164 0 40 if ($specific =~ /^\d+$/) { }
165 0 0 if $_->start_line <= $specific and $_->end_line >= $specific
168 24 16 if $_->name eq $specific
175 19 314 if (@cases) { }
210 10 188 if $todo
227 16 182 unless (@tests)
231 0 16 unless $ENV{'FENNEC_TEST'}
242 0 231 if @before_all or @after_all or @around_all or @control