Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 36 77.7

line true false branch
134 13 1 if ($addr and $addr =~ m[^(\d+):(\d+)/(\d+)(\.(\d+))?(@(\w+))?$]) { }
135 3 10 $5 ? :
2 11 $7 ? :
172 5 0 if ($addr and $addr =~ m[^(\d+):(\d+)/(\d+)(\.(\d+))?(@(\w+))?$]) { }
176 1 4 $5 ? :
177 1 4 $7 ? :
195 0 4 if ($$self{'__empty'})
208 0 4 if ($$self{'__empty'})
221 1 15 if ($$self{'__empty'})
228 0 15 if $level =~ /^DO([M1234])$/
229 0 15 if $level eq 'M'
231 3 12 if ($level eq '0') { }
3 9 elsif ($level eq '1') { }
3 6 elsif ($level eq '2') { }
3 3 elsif ($level eq '3') { }
3 0 elsif ($level eq '4') { }
232 0 3 $$self{'p'} ? :
250 3 0 $$self{'p'} ? :