Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 52 67.3

line true false branch
194 40015 0 if (exists $self->{'states_list'})
195 1 40014 if (exists $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'state'}} and exists $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'state'}}{'repeat'} and $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'state'}}{'repeat'} <= 0)
201 1 0 if (exists $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'previous_state'}}{'not_matching_info_last'})
207 40014 0 if (exists $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'state'}}{'expect'})
208 0 40014 if (exists $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'state'}}{'info'})
212 0 40014 if (exists $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'state'}}{'info_once'})
216 0 40005 if (exists $self->{'previous_output'} and $in eq '' and $self->{'previous_output'} =~ /\[(.+)\]/)
222 8 40006 if (exists $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'state'}}{'expect'}{$in}) { }
226 40003 120012 if ($in =~ /$key/)
232 40011 3 if (ref $state eq 'HASH') { }
237 0 40011 if (exists $state->{'cmd'})
242 0 40011 if (exists $state->{'cmd_exec'})
248 0 40011 if (exists $state->{'exec'})
255 0 40011 if (exists $state->{'do'})
261 1 40010 if (exists $state->{'cat'})
268 20000 20011 if (exists $state->{'catRAND'})
277 20000 20011 if (exists $state->{'catWRAND'})
286 28806 11194 if rand $weight < $w
292 3 40008 if (exists $state->{'catSEQ'})
295 3 0 if (exists $state->{'catSEQ_idx'}) { }
305 2 1 if (-f $state_file)
321 3 0 if exists $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'state'}}{'repeat'}
323 0 3 if (exists $self->{'states_list'}{$self->{'state'}}{'not_matching_info'})
337 0 0 if exists $self->{'states_list'}{$in}
342 0 3 unless open my $fh, '>', $file
344 0 3 unless close $fh