Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 43 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
145 0 0 0 scalar @sqldata and not scalar @sqldata % 5000
178 0 0 0 $params{'aolevel'} and not $$LEVELS{$params{'aolevel'}}
484 0 0 0 exists $record->{'ACTSTATUS'} and not $record->{'ACTSTATUS'}
0 0 0 exists $record->{'LIVESTATUS'} and not $record->{'LIVESTATUS'}
0 0 0 exists $record->{'ENDDATE'} and $record->{'ENDDATE'} ne '20790606'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
587 0 0 q['] . _get_quoted_text($record->{$name}) . q['] // '\\N'
598 0 0 $record->{$name} // 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
102 0 0 0 $dbf_file_name =~ /^D/ or $sql_table_name eq 'NORDOC'
0 0 0 $dbf_file_name =~ /^D/ or $sql_table_name eq 'NORDOC' or $sql_table_name eq 'STEAD'
0 0 0 $dbf_file_name =~ /^D/ or $sql_table_name eq 'NORDOC' or $sql_table_name eq 'STEAD' or $sql_table_name eq 'NDOCTYPE'
145 0 0 0 scalar @sqldata and not scalar @sqldata % 5000 or $all_records == $index_of_last_record
188 0 0 0 $aolevel or $parentguid
484 0 0 0 exists $record->{'ACTSTATUS'} and not $record->{'ACTSTATUS'} or exists $record->{'LIVESTATUS'} and not $record->{'LIVESTATUS'}
0 0 0 exists $record->{'ACTSTATUS'} and not $record->{'ACTSTATUS'} or exists $record->{'LIVESTATUS'} and not $record->{'LIVESTATUS'} or $record->{'NEXTID'}
0 0 0 exists $record->{'ACTSTATUS'} and not $record->{'ACTSTATUS'} or exists $record->{'LIVESTATUS'} and not $record->{'LIVESTATUS'} or $record->{'NEXTID'} or exists $record->{'ENDDATE'} and $record->{'ENDDATE'} ne '20790606'