Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 96 69.7

line true false branch
91 749 276 defined $2 ? :
1025 1053 if $filename =~ /$regex/
103 58 152 if $A->[0] ne $B->[0]
108 0 10 unless defined $A->[$i] or defined $B->[$i]
109 10 246 unless defined $A->[$i]
110 128 118 unless defined $B->[$i]
111 14 104 if $A->[$i] != $B->[$i]
129 0 80 unless defined $args{'lib'}
136 20 380 if ref $args{$arg} eq "ARRAY"
137 94 286 if (defined $args{$arg}) { }
147 0 80 if (defined $args{'systempath'} and not ref $args{'systempath'})
153 2 78 if $recursive
155 0 80 defined $args{'systempath'} ? :
167 1 4 unless ($alien =~ /^([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)(::[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)*$/)
171 3 1 unless (eval { do { $alien->can("dynamic_libs") } })
178 1 2 if $@
180 1 1 unless (eval { do { $alien->can("dynamic_libs") } })
190 0 164 if ref $path ne "ARRAY" and not -d $path
197 178 779 if $any or $missing{$_->[0]}
205 2 162 ref $path eq 'ARRAY' ? :
213 0 0 if ($try_ld_on_text and $args{'try_linker_script'})
217 0 0 -B $_->[1] ? :
220 0 0 $output =~ /\((.*?lib.*\.so.*?)\)/ ? :
230 67 111 unless $any or $missing{$lib->[0]}
234 45 3 unless &$verify(@$lib)
239 12 54 if (%symbols)
245 21 6 DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($dll, $symbol) ? :
21 6 if (DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($dll, $symbol) ? 1 : 0)
255 63 3 unless ($any)
269 17 61 if (%missing) { }
6 55 elsif (%symbols) { }
272 0 17 if (@missing > 1) { }
280 0 6 if (@missing > 1) { }
286 6 72 if %symbols
287 25 47 unless wantarray
294 0 6 unless -d $dir
305 3 3 unless check_lib(@_)
311 0 0 unless (check_lib(@_))
322 0 0 unless (@libs)
327 0 0 unless @libs
328 0 0 wantarray ? :
335 0 0 unless (@libs)
339 0 0 unless @libs
340 0 0 wantarray ? :
346 6 6 find_lib(@_) ? :
353 0 1 if $name eq "*"
363 1 1 $name eq '*' ? :
377 2 9 unless (DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($dll, $symbol))