Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 35 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
51 0 0 0 $FCGI::Daemon::REAL_USER_ID == $FCGI::Daemon::EFFECTIVE_USER_ID and $FCGI::Daemon::EFFECTIVE_USER_ID == 0
99 0 0 0 defined $o{'gid_num'} and defined $o{'uid_num'}
107 0 0 0 defined $o{'gid_num'} and defined $o{'uid_num'}
144 0 0 0 $o{'max_evals'} > 0 and $req_env{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} =~ /$o{'file_pattern'}\z/
218 0 0 0 $req_env{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST' and $req_env{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} != 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
41 0 0 $o{'s'} || '/var/run/fcgi-daemon.sock'
42 0 0 $o{'p'} || '/var/run/'
45 0 0 $o{'m'} || 512
46 0 0 $o{'c'} || 32
49 0 0 $o{'l'} || 1.3
52 0 0 $o{'g'} || 'www-data'
53 0 0 $o{'u'} || 'www-data'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
48 0 0 0 $o{'f'} || qr/\.pl/
222 0 0 0 $bytes == 0 or not defined $bytes