Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 27 33.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
121 1 0 0 exists $self->{'config'} and defined $self->{'config'}
126 1 0 0 exists $self->{'cc'} and defined $self->{'cc'}
130 0 0 1 exists $self->{'config'}{'cc'} && defined $self->{'config'}{'cc'}
134 1 0 0 exists $self->{'os'} and defined $self->{'os'}
138 0 0 1 exists $self->{'config'}{'osname'} && defined $self->{'config'}{'osname'}
258 1 0 0 $self->_os eq 'netbsd' and not $self->{'guess'}{'extra_lflags'} =~ /-lgcc_s/
295 0 0 0 $self->_os =~ /MSWin32/ && File::Basename::basename($cc) =~ /^cl/i

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
305 0 1 $cc_version =~ /\bg(?:cc|\+\+)/i or scalar _capture("$cc") =~ /\bgcc\b/i
0 1 $cc_version =~ /\bg(?:cc|\+\+)/i or scalar _capture("$cc") =~ /\bgcc\b/i or scalar _capture_empty_stdin("$cc -dM -E -") =~ /__GNUC__/
1 0 $cc_version =~ /\bg(?:cc|\+\+)/i or scalar _capture("$cc") =~ /\bgcc\b/i or scalar _capture_empty_stdin("$cc -dM -E -") =~ /__GNUC__/ or scalar $cc_version =~ /\bcc\b.*Free Software Foundation/is