Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 50 96.0

line true false branch
21 9 35 if ($from eq 'Exporter::NoWork')
25 0 9 $] < 5.008 ? :
28 7 2 unless $doneISA
31 1 3 if (/^-MAGIC$/)
35 1 2 if (/^-CONSTS$/)
44 9 26 unless ($Config{$from}{'grovelled'})
47 15 4 if (exists &{"${from}::$_";} and not /^(?:IMPORT|CONFIG)$/ and not /^_/ and not $Config{$from}{'uc'} eq 'magic' && /^[[:upper:]]+$/)
52 1 14 if ($Config{$from}{'uc'} eq 'consts' and /^[[:upper:]_\d]+$/)
65 5 30 unless @_
67 2 33 if $from->can('IMPORT')
76 1 48 if (/^import$/i | /^CONFIG$/)
81 10 38 if (s/^://)
82 2 8 if (/^ALL$/)
86 4 4 if (/^DEFAULT$/)
90 1 3 if (/^CONSTS$/)
95 2 1 if ($Config{$from}{'tags'}{$_}) { }
104 10 28 if (s/^-//)
105 4 6 if (${"${from}::CONFIG";}{$_}) { }
5 1 elsif ($from->can('CONFIG')) { }
118 1 27 if /\W/ or /^_/
122 1 26 if /^[[:upper:]]+$/ and $Config{$from}{'uc'} eq 'magic'
127 25 1 if (exists &{"${from}::$sub";})
138 36 12 unless defined &{"${from}::$_";}
140 4 8 if ($ref == \&{"${from}::$_";})
150 0 2 unless ref $tag