Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 60 66.6

line true false branch
86 8 7 if @_ < 5
92 0 15 unless $sheet_name =~ /$SHEET_NAME/u
94 0 15 unless &none(sub { $sheet_name eq $_; } , @{$$self{"sheets"};})
104 2 13 if ($ref and $ref eq 'CODE') { }
13 0 elsif ($ref and $ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (&blessed($rows_maker) and $rows_maker->isa('DBI::st')) { }
0 0 elsif (&blessed($rows_maker) and $rows_maker->isa('DBIx::DataModel::Statement')) { }
110 34 13 $i < @$rows_maker ? :
115 0 0 unless $rows_maker->{'Executed'}
121 0 0 $row ? :
146 0 1041 unless my $last_col = @$row
158 2 300705 unless defined $val and length $val
164 2 2 $1 ? :
2 657 $val =~ /^=/u ? :
4 659 $bool_regex && $val =~ /$bool_regex/u ? :
14 663 $date_regex && $val =~ /$date_regex/u ? :
300028 677 &looks_like_number($val) && !($val =~ /^\pL/u) ? :
184 9 6 if ($table_name and $row_num)
212 0 0 unless (@table_names)
247 0 9 unless $table_name =~ /$TABLE_NAME/u
249 0 9 unless &none(sub { $table_name eq $_; } , @{$$self{"tables"};})
288 0 2 unless $name and $formula
289 0 2 if exists $self->{'defined_names'}{$name}
298 9 6 if $table_id
322 1 4 ref $target ? :
323 0 5 unless $write_result == 0
367 5 0 if (my $names = $self->{'defined_names'})
371 1 1 if $content->[1]
557 1 652 $string =~ /^\s|\s$/u ? :
578 10 4 if $is_after_february_1900