Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 94 74.4

line true false branch
89 42 45 unless defined $insecure_msg_fmt_ok
91 0 87 if ($server ne '' and $host eq '')
121 0 91 if $self->get_connected
131 61 30 if $self->get_message_format eq 'Event::RPC::Message::Negotiate' and $self->get_insecure_msg_fmt_ok
135 7 84 if ($ssl)
137 0 7 if $@
141 7 84 if ($ssl) { }
143 5 2 if ($self->get_ssl_ca_file or $self->get_ssl_ca_path) { }
165 0 7 $ssl_opts ? :
2 5 unless $sock = 'IO::Socket::SSL'->new('Proto', 'tcp', 'PeerPort', $port, 'PeerAddr', $server, 'Type', 1, 'Timeout', $timeout, @verify_opts, $ssl_opts ? %{$ssl_opts;} : ())
170 0 84 unless $sock = 'IO::Socket::INET'->new('Proto', 'tcp', 'PeerPort', $port, 'PeerAddr', $server, 'Type', 1, 'Timeout', $timeout)
187 65 24 if $self->get_message_format eq 'Event::RPC::Message::Negotiate'
193 10 79 if ($@)
201 7 72 if ($auth_user)
208 0 4 unless ($rc->{'ok'})
214 76 0 if (not $self->get_classes) { }
231 87 87 unless my $sock = 'IO::Socket::INET'->new('Proto', 'tcp', 'PeerPort', $port, 'PeerAddr', $server, 'Type', 1)
245 152 1 if $self->get_sock
261 0 7 if ($error_cb) { }
280 9 56 if ($@)
283 6 3 if ($self->get_insecure_msg_fmt_ok)
302 0 56 unless my $module = $modules_by_format_name->{$format}
307 56 0 unless ($@)
314 0 56 unless $format_chosen
323 0 56 if $@
334 7 79 if $@
339 0 79 if ($rc->{'version'} ne $self->get_client_version)
345 0 79 if ($rc->{'protocol'} < $self->get_client_protocol)
378 0 0 unless $classes{$class}
392 0 0 if $classes{$class}
403 0 152 if $loaded_classes->{$class}
415 131 34 unless $self->get_connected
430 228 1292 if ($method_type eq '_constructor') { }
836 456 elsif ($method_type eq '1') { }
457 0 248 unless $rc
459 1 247 if wantarray
475 0 71 unless $rc
479 1 71 if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 70 elsif (ref $val eq 'HASH') { }
69 1 elsif (defined $val) { }
483 0 10 unless $loaded_classes->{$class}
494 0 10 unless $loaded_classes->{$class}
504 0 69 unless $loaded_classes->{$class}
510 1 70 if wantarray
529 7 677 if ($@)
534 13 664 unless ($rc->{'ok'})
535 4 9 unless $rc->{'msg'} =~ /\n$/