Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 36 0.0

line true false branch
101 0 0 if ($json_input->{'type'} =~ /^function|event|constructor$/)
106 0 0 unless ($self->contract_decoded->{'constructor'})
161 0 0 unless not $_ || $params_size
206 0 0 if ($self->gas_price)
213 0 0 if $self->max_fee_per_gas
214 0 0 if $self->max_priority_fee_per_gas
240 0 0 unless $inputs
287 0 0 if ($input_size and $array_size or $array_size and $basic_type =~ /^uint|int|fixed/)
325 0 0 if ($input_type =~ /(\d+)?\[(\d+)?\]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($input_type eq 'address' and $param =~ /^0x[0-9A-F]+$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($input_type =~ /^(u)?(int|bool)(\d+)?/ and &looks_like_number($param)) { }
0 0 elsif ($input_type =~ /^(?:string|bytes)(\d+)?$/) { }
331 0 0 unless ($static_array_size and $static_item_size)
336 0 0 unless ($static_array_size)
359 0 0 if ($static_item_size and $static_array_size) { }
375 0 0 if ($param =~ /^(?:0x|0X)([a-fA-F0-9]+)$/) { }
385 0 0 if ($basic_type_size) { }
468 0 0 $str =~ /^0x/ ? :