Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 108 53.7

line true false branch
35 4 0 if ($caller[2])
55 0 0 $do_warn ? :
72 0 0 unless @IINC
73 0 0 unless open my $fh, "-|", $^X . " -E 'map print(\"\$_\\n\"), \@INC'"
104 0 0 if $file eq "-e" or $file eq "-E" or $file eq "-"
105 0 0 unless -f $file
118 0 0 if (not $pid and $@)
128 0 0 $? > 255 ? :
134 0 0 if ($^C) { }
135 0 0 if ($runnable) { }
137 0 0 $do_warn ? :
150 0 0 if ($runnable) { }
171 13 0 if (defined $error) { }
181 10 0 if (/at (.*?) line (\d+)/u or /Missing right curly or square bracket at (.*?) (\d+) at end of line/u)
194 0 10 if $opts{'message'}
196 4 6 if $opts{'program'}
234 3 21 if $opts{'reverse'}
240 0 21 if $counter >= $limit and $limit > 0
242 21 0 unless (exists $info->[13])
245 4 17 if ($info->[6]) { }
250 0 17 unless open my $fh, "<", $info->[1]
264 2 19 if ($opts{'start_mark'})
268 2 6 if (/$start_mark/u)
279 2 19 if ($opts{'end_mark'})
283 2 6 if (/$end_mark/u)
291 0 21 if $opts{'start_offset'}
292 0 21 if $opts{'end_offset'}
297 0 21 if $info->[2] > $end_line
312 5 16 $min < $start_line ? :
314 6 15 $max > $end_line ? :
338 21 180 if $l == $target
349 0 10 $1 - 1 > $max ? :
351 21 0 unless $opts{'clean'}
354 0 24 if ($opts{'splain'})
388 13 11 if (defined $error and ref $error eq '') { }
396 0 11 if $opts{'program'}
415 0 17 if defined $_[0] and $_[0] eq "Error::Show"
418 3 14 if (@_ == 0) { }
4 10 elsif (@_ == 1) { }
427 3 14 if ($opts{'frames'})
433 1 16 unless (defined $opts{'error'})
452 0 17 if ((&Scalar::Util::blessed($opts{'error'}) // '') eq $dstf) { }
0 17 elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY' and ref $opts{'error'}[0] eq '') { }
13 4 elsif ($ref eq '') { }
4 0 elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY' and ref $opts{'error'}[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY' and &Scalar::Util::blessed($opts{'error'}[0]) eq $dstf) { }
480 1 16 if $opts{'reverse'}
483 4 13 if (ref $opts{'error'} eq 'ARRAY' and ref $opts{'error'}[0]) { }
492 0 11 if ((&Scalar::Util::blessed($e) // "") eq "Devel::StackTrace::Frame")
510 11 0 if ($e->[1] and $e->[2]) { }
515 4 7 if $opts{'message'}
546 0 0 unless ($pid)
552 0 0 if (not $pid and $@)
566 0 0 if ($@)