Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 62 58.0

line true false branch
238 20 5 ref $either ? :
284 0 0 $$self{'email'}->header_str_set(ucfirst shift(), shift()) ? :
295 6 0 $$self{'email'}->header_str_set('To', shift()) ? :
306 6 0 $$self{'email'}->header_str_set('From', shift()) ? :
317 0 0 $$self{'email'}->header_str_set('Cc', shift()) ? :
328 0 0 $$self{'email'}->header_str_set('Bcc', shift()) ? :
339 5 0 $$self{'email'}->header_str_set('Subject', shift()) ? :
357 4 0 defined $_[0] ? :
389 2 0 defined $_[0] ? :
419 2 0 defined $_[0] ? :
428 1 1 unless ($attr{'content_type'})
437 2 0 if $slot < 3
463 0 2 if (&Params::Util::_INSTANCE($body_arg, 'IO::All::File')) { }
2 0 elsif (defined $body_arg and -f $body_arg) { }
470 0 2 unless $body = _slurp($body_arg)
478 0 2 unless $name = File::Basename::basename($name)
489 0 2 unless open SLURP, "<$file"
491 0 2 unless close SLURP
509 5 0 if (@_)
511 0 5 if (_INSTANCE $_[0], 'Email::Send') { }
542 2 19 if (scalar @{$$self{'parts'};} >= 3) { }
3 16 elsif (scalar @{$$self{'parts'};}) { }
548 1 2 if (_INSTANCE $parts[0], 'Email::MIME' and _INSTANCE $parts[1], 'Email::MIME') { }
2 0 elsif (_INSTANCE $parts[0], 'Email::MIME') { }
570 0 10 unless @_
572 4 26 if &$f()
583 4 6 if _any sub { $_ eq $header_name; } , @headers_skip
609 0 5 if @_
610 0 5 unless my $email = $self->email
638 5 5 if $$self{'mailer'}
645 0 5 unless ($$self{'mailer'}->mailer_available($driver, $self->_options))