Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 29 45 64.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
106 0 0 0 $STRICT_PARAMS and $ct =~ s[^($re_token_non_strict)/($re_token_non_strict)][]u
118 37 6 55 $STRICT_PARAMS and length $ct
43 55 0 $STRICT_PARAMS and length $ct and not $ct =~ /^;/u
147 0 0 0 $STRICT_PARAMS and $cd =~ s/^($re_token_non_strict)//u
159 10 7 28 $STRICT_PARAMS and length $cd
17 28 0 $STRICT_PARAMS and length $cd and not $cd =~ /^;/u
254 2 4 0 $needs_quote and grep /$re_invalid_for_quoted_value/u, @continuous_value
267 6 6 8 $value =~ /\P{ASCII}/u and length(my $oneparameter = "; $key*=" . join("", @continuous_value)) <= 78
325 32 0 0 $level != 0 and $STRICT_PARAMS
353 0 0 42 defined $attribs->{$_} and $attribs->{$_} =~ /^$re_exvalue$/u
373 18 125 0 length $_ and not $_ =~ /^;/u
377 2 0 0 $STRICT_PARAMS and do { carp("Missing semicolon before parameter '${_}'"); return $attribs }

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
233 38 2 36 not $ascii_value =~ /^(?:$re_token)*$/u or $ascii_value =~ /'/u
296 56 10 10 not @continuous_value or $PRE_2231_FORM
443 121 102 6 not length $_ or /^;/u