Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 54 87.0

line true false branch
196 0 118 if $NOCACHE
200 2 116 if exists $PARSE_CACHE{$line}
205 0 116 if $NOCACHE
214 1 118 unless $line
216 118 0 if $COLLAPSE_SPACES
218 2 116 if (my(@cached) = $class->__get_cached_parse($line))
224 109 7 if $str =~ /$angle_addr/u
234 4 240 if @comments
237 198 46 if s/<($local_part)\@($domain)>\s*\z//ou
238 46 198 unless (defined $user and defined $host)
243 4 240 if $user =~ /\P{ASCII}/u
244 1 239 if $host =~ /\P{ASCII}/u
249 76 651 unless defined $_
252 0 651 unless length $_
255 163 76 if $phrase
282 477 216 if $phrase
388 1 228 if ($_[1]) { }
389 1 0 if ($_[0][4])
419 1680 334 if exists $FORMAT_CACHE{$cache_str}
426 86 248 unless (length $self->[0] or length $self->[2])
431 3 245 if length $comment and not $comment =~ /\A\(.*\)\z/u
449 1 247 unless length $phrase
452 1 246 if $phrase =~ /\A=\?.+\?=\z/u
477 349 314 if exists $NAME_CACHE{$cache_str}
481 233 81 if ($name = $self->[0]) { }
0 81 elsif ($name = $self->[2]) { }
526 0 669 if $STRINGIFY ne "format"