Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 120 0.0

line true false branch
43 0 0 unless &is_loaded('GD')
46 0 0 unless (-e "$file")
50 0 0 unless (defined $p)
57 0 0 if ($x == 510 and $y == 680)
61 0 0 if ($x == 600 and $y == 800)
86 0 0 if ($config->title)
94 0 0 unless ($config->author)
106 0 0 if ($coverimage eq '')
110 0 0 if ($f =~ /\.jpg/ or $f =~ /\.JPG/ or $f =~ /\.gif/)
114 0 0 if (MobiPerl::Util::is_cover_image($f))
132 0 0 if ($tochref)
141 0 0 if ($config->add_cover_link)
175 0 0 if ($config->add_cover_link)
185 0 0 if ($tochref and $config->toc_first)
189 0 0 unless $tree->parse_file($tochref)
208 0 0 unless $mediatype =~ /text/
213 0 0 unless open FILE, "<$filename"
223 0 0 if ($$config{'FIXHTMLBR'})
232 0 0 if ($linksinfo->link_exists($filename))
251 0 0 if ($config->cover_image)
255 0 0 if ($coverimage)
258 0 0 if ($config->add_cover_link)
265 0 0 if ($config->thumb_image) { }
268 0 0 if ($coverimage)
304 0 0 if ($pos >= 0) { }
320 0 0 if ($pos >= 0) { }
367 0 0 if ($f =~ /^\./)
370 0 0 if ($f =~ /^\.\./)
377 0 0 unless system(qq[clit "$litfile" $unpackdir]) == 0
385 0 0 unless &is_loaded('GD')
390 0 0 unless (-e $filename)
417 0 0 unless &is_loaded('GD')
425 0 0 if (defined $y)
460 0 0 unless defined $quality
471 0 0 if ($quality <= 0) { }
484 0 0 if (defined $text and $text)
502 0 0 unless &is_loaded('GD')
504 0 0 if defined $rescale
507 0 0 if defined $config
513 0 0 if defined $config
522 0 0 unless (-e $filename)
538 0 0 if ($filesize < $maxsize and !$rescale_large_images || $x <= $maxwidth && $y <= $maxheight and $type ne 'PNG' and !defined($scale_factor) || $scale_factor == 1)
545 0 0 unless open IMG, $filename
556 0 0 unless (defined $p)
558 0 0 if (defined $im)
567 0 0 if ($index == -1)
593 0 0 if (defined $scale_factor and $scale_factor != 1)
598 0 0 if ($rescale_large_images)
601 0 0 if ($ydiff > $xdiff) { }
602 0 0 if ($y > $maxheight)
607 0 0 if ($x > $maxwidth)
625 0 0 if ($size > $maxsize)
631 0 0 if ($quality < 0)
672 0 0 unless ($inside_para)
678 0 0 if ($html =~ /\ \;/) { }
722 0 0 if ($c and ref $c eq 'HTML::Element') { }
724 0 0 if ($tag eq 'br' and ref $c eq 'HTML::Element' and defined $content[$i + 1] and ref $content[$i + 1] and $content[$i + 1]->tag eq 'br') { }
729 0 0 if ($$config{'KEEPBR'})
734 0 0 if ($i % 10 == 0)
743 0 0 if (ref $c) { }