Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 22 86.3

line true false branch
9 163 242 if index($d->ua, "http") > -1
10 20 222 if index($d->ua, "oogle") > -1
11 4 218 if index($d->ua, " OPR/") > -1 or index($d->ua, " Vivaldi/") > -1
12 20 198 if index($d->ua, "Browser/") > -1
13 2 196 if index($d->ua, "QtWebEngine") > -1
15 4 0 if (index($d->ua, "Chrome/") > -1 and index($d->ua, "AppleWebKit/") > -1 and index($d->ua, "Safari/") > -1)
20 2 2 if ($d->opt_version)
22 2 0 if $version
28 2 28 if (index($d->ua, "Mozilla/") > -1 and index($d->ua, "AppleWebKit/") > -1 and index($d->ua, 'CrMo/') > -1 || index($d->ua, 'CriOS/') > -1)
34 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
36 1 0 if $version