Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 99 128 77.3

line true false branch
67 233 0 if ($tagspec =~ /^\s*\((.*?)\)(.*)$/ and $1)
71 227 6 $2 ? :
76 174 160 if ($tag =~ /^(.*)=(.*)$/) { }
96 227 5018 if (defined($symbol = $self->parse_tagspec($symbolspec))) { }
101 59 168 if ($symbol =~ /^(['"])/ and $symbol =~ /^($1)(.*?)$1(.*)$/) { }
107 168 0 if ($symbol =~ /^(\S+)(.*)$/)
113 0 227 unless $symbol
117 5018 0 if ($symbolspec =~ /^(\S+)(.*)$/) { }
126 59 5186 if $symbol_quoted
129 5244 1 if ($rest =~ /^\s(\S+)(?:\s(\d+))?/) { }
1 0 elsif (defined $opts{'default_minver'}) { }
150 71 5174 if ($self->has_tag('c++'))
159 3 5242 if ($self->get_symbolname =~ /^\*@(.*)$/)
160 3 0 unless $self->has_tag('symver')
161 3 0 unless $self->has_tag('optional')
165 27 5218 if ($self->has_tag('symver'))
168 12 15 defined $type ? :
169 0 27 if ($self->get_symbolname eq 'Base')
177 25 5220 if ($self->has_tag('regex'))
183 86 5159 if (defined $type)
204 0 195 if (not defined $templ and $name =~ /\s/)
207 0 195 if (not defined $quoted and defined $templ and $templ =~ /\s/)
212 0 195 if ($quoted) { }
226 6 334 if (exists $self->{'tags'}{$tagname}) { }
238 2 4 if (exists $self->{'tags'}{$tagname})
263 68 48 if $self->{'symbol'} ne $other->{'symbol'}
265 1 47 if ($opts{'versioning'})
266 0 1 if $self->{'minver'} ne $other->{'minver'}
267 0 1 if $self->{'dep_id'} ne $other->{'dep_id'}
270 48 0 if ($opts{'tags'})
271 0 48 if scalar @{$self->{'tagorder'};} != scalar @{$other->{'tagorder'};}
275 0 99 if $tag ne $other->{'tagorder'}[$i]
276 0 99 if (defined $self->{'tags'}{$tag} and defined $other->{'tags'}{$tag}) { }
0 99 elsif (defined $self->{'tags'}{$tag} or defined $other->{'tags'}{$tag}) { }
277 0 0 if $self->{'tags'}{$tag} ne $other->{'tags'}{$tag}
302 102 41321 if defined $arch and defined $arches and not debarch_is_concerned($arch, split(/[\s,]+/, $arches, 0))
307 42 41279 if defined $bits and defined $self->{'tags'}{'arch-bits'} and $bits ne $self->{'tags'}{'arch-bits'}
309 38 41241 if defined $endian and defined $self->{'tags'}{'arch-endian'} and $endian ne $self->{'tags'}{'arch-endian'}
365 0 195 unless $self->is_pattern
389 545 351 unless $type
391 896 0 if ($type)
392 445 451 if ($type eq 'symver') { }
451 0 elsif ($rawname =~ /^_Z/ and $type eq 'c++') { }
395 445 0 if $rawname =~ /\@([^\@]+)$/
405 40 0 if ($self->has_tags)
409 28 28 if (defined $tagval) { }
424 132 13768 if $self->{'deprecated'}
426 122 13778 if ($template_mode) { }
427 40 82 if ($self->has_tags) { }
437 18 13882 if $self->{'dep_id'}
446 3 9022 if ($self->{'deprecated'}) { }
449 1 2 unless $self->is_optional
453 0 9022 if (&version_compare($minver, $self->{'minver'}) < 0)
458 8830 195 if (not $self->is_pattern)
459 2 8828 if (not $self->arch_is_concerned($arch))
476 56 114 unless $self->arch_is_concerned($arch)
478 2 112 if ($self->{'deprecated'}) { }
112 0 elsif (&version_compare($minver, $self->{'minver'}) > 0) { }
481 2 0 if $self->is_optional
503 267 0 if ($self->is_pattern)
506 351 222 if (&any(sub { $tag eq $_; } , ('c++', 'symver'))) { }
183 39 elsif ($tag eq 'regex') { }
513 84 489 unless $ok
518 84 183 if ($ok and $do_eq_match)