Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 26 73.0

line true false branch
63 0 45 if (defined $fh)
83 6 28 if defined $implication and $implication == 1
84 1 27 if defined $implication and $implication == 0
89 9 7 if ($o->isa('Dpkg::Deps::AND'))
94 3 64 if $dep->implies($odep)
96 17 3 unless $found
98 1 8 if $subset
123 0 0 if (not defined $eval) { }
0 0 elsif ($eval == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($eval == 1) { }
151 11 31 if defined $eval and $eval == 1
153 1 17 if $odep->implies($dep)
160 4 23 if (defined $odep and $odep->implies($dep))