Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 44 79.5

line true false branch
133 1 9 if ($args[0] and ref $args[0] eq "HASH" and $args[0]{'dataFile'})
157 1 102 unless ($inbound)
170 15 87 unless (_validate_domain($domain))
177 3 84 unless (defined $self->tld_tree->{$tld})
178 3 0 if ($self->allow_unlisted_tld) { }
181 3 0 if (my $next = pop @domain_array) { }
197 0 84 unless ($raw_suffix)
207 14 70 if (not $raw_suffix =~ /!/ and $self->suffix eq $domain)
213 6 64 if ($raw_suffix =~ /!/) { }
236 16 200 if ($point->{'*'}) { }
63 137 elsif (not $point->{$label}) { }
238 6 10 if ($point->{$exception})
261 8 3 if ($self->use_default) { }
0 3 elsif ($self->data_file and -e $self->data_file) { }
264 0 0 unless open $dat, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $self->data_file
280 0 15 if (-e $path)
281 0 0 unless open $dat, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $path
292 3 8 unless (defined $data_stream_ref)
309 64328 100144 if m[^/] or /^[ \t]*?$/
315 5071 95073 if $_ ne $ascii
342 11 91 unless @segments > 1
344 4 265 unless length $segment > 0