Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 43 89 48.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
403 0 0 2100 $opt{'payload'} and ref $self
448 39 0 0 $has_xs and not -e 'Makefile.PL'
453 39 0 0 -d 'bin' and grep {$_ eq 'ModuleBuildTiny';} $self->installers
462 27 12 0 &any(sub { /ModuleBuildTiny/u; } , @installers) and ($self->max_target_perl // 0) < '5.008'
464 0 39 0 not -d '.git' and -f 'META.json'
39 0 0 not -d '.git' and -f 'META.json' and not $self->_plugin_removed('Git::GatherDir')
469 22 14 3 $server ne 'github' and $server ne 'none'
692 39 0 0 $self->_detected_bash && ($self->_resolve('update_ackrc_after_build') // 0) && ($v = $self->_resolve('update_ackrc.cmd'))
0 0 39 ($self->_resolve('update_latest_links_after_build') // 1) && ($v = $self->_resolve('update_latest_links.eval'))
0 39 0 ($v = $self->licence) && -e "$v"
748 39 0 0 $self->allow_insecure_operations and $self->install_release_from_cpan
759 0 0 0 $user and $password
775 2 26 11 $static_install_mode eq 'off' || $static_install_dry_run and &any(sub { /^ModuleBuildTiny/u; } , @installers)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
396 0 2100 $opt{'env_key_prefix'} // 'DZIL_'
397 0 2100 $res{'source_opts'}{&refaddr(\%ENV)}{'map_keys'} ||= sub { map {&sanitize_env_var_name($pfx . uc($_));} @_; }
462 12 0 $self->max_target_perl // 0
468 39 0 $self->server // ''
481 39 0 $self->server // ''
491 39 0 $self->static_install_mode // ''
492 39 0 $self->static_install_dry_run // 0
692 0 39 $self->_resolve('Git::GatherDir.include_dot_files', 'include_dot_files') // 1
39 0 $self->portability_options // ''
39 0 $self->_resolve($surgical ? 'SurgicalPodWeaver.replacer' : (), 'PodWeaver.replacer') // 'replace_with_comment'
39 0 $self->_resolve($surgical ? 'SurgicalPodWeaver.post_code_replacer' : (), 'PodWeaver.post_code_replacer') // 'replace_with_nothing'
0 3 $self->_resolve("server_amr_opts_$server") // 1
36 3 $self->_resolve('Authority.do_munging') // 0
36 3 $self->_resolve('Authority.locate_comment') // 0
0 39 $self->_resolve('CheckStrictVersion.decimal_only') // 1
0 39 $self->_resolve('CheckStrictVersion.tuple_only') // 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
405 0 2100 0 $opt{'defaults'} // $opt{'generic'}
406 0 2100 0 $opt{'detected'} // $opt{'generic'}
407 0 2100 0 $opt{'settings'} // $opt{'generic'}
439 39 0 0 $INC{'Test/'} or $self->_detected_bash
692 0 0 39 -d ($self->payload->{'ExecDir.dir'} // 'script') || &any(sub { /^ExecDir\./u; } , keys %{$self->payload;})
775 2 35 2 $static_install_mode eq 'off' || $static_install_dry_run