Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 15 24 62.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
74 0 35 25 $attr && $attr->has_value($zilla)
112 0 20 7 $attr and $attr->has_value($zilla)
170 0 0 8 $filename and defined $index
217 1 0 6 $filename and defined $index
255 0 4 1 'Dist::Zilla'->VERSION >= 5.024 and $prereq_attr->has_value($self->zilla)
285 1 6 0 $filename and defined $index
308 0 1 4 not $file->isa('Dist::Zilla::File::FromCode') and &none(sub { $file->name eq $_; } , $self->skip_file)
1 4 0 not $file->isa('Dist::Zilla::File::FromCode') and &none(sub { $file->name eq $_; } , $self->skip_file) and $all_files{$file->name}[$index]{'content'} ne md5_hex($file->encoded_content)