Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 32 87.5

line true false branch
85 18 4 unless $self->has_user and $self->has_repo
87 5 17 unless ($self->has_user and $self->has_repo)
94 2 15 unless ($self->has_readme)
106 15 255 if ($line =~ /^# VERSION/)
108 1 14 $self->vector ? :
120 15 0 $readme->can('encoding') ? :
126 0 15 $encoding eq 'raw' ? :
142 3 15 unless exists $meta->{'resources'}
158 5 10 exists $meta->{'resources'}{'repository'} ? :
11 4 exists $meta->{'resources'}{'homepage'} ? :
169 0 15 if $self->has_user and $self->has_repo
171 1 14 unless $source =~ /github\.com/i
182 1 13 unless defined $user and defined $repo
200 1 16 $self->has_readme ? :
204 0 43 unless $name
210 15 28 if ($file->exists)