Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 58 68.9

line true false branch
31 0 21 if @info == 1
71 16 5 if $self->uri
72 18 3 if $self->type
73 11 10 if $self->web
75 3 2 unless $repo{'url'} or $repo{'web'}
93 10 1 unless $uri eq 'origin'
95 8 3 if ($uri =~ m[^(?:git|https?)://((?:git(?:lab|hub)\.com|*?)(?:\.git)?$])
98 2 6 if ($self->github_http)
118 11 10 if (-e '.git') { }
2 8 elsif (-e '.svn') { }
2 6 elsif (-e '_darcs') { }
2 4 elsif (-e '.hg') { }
0 4 elsif (-e "$ENV{'HOME'}/.svk") { }
119 2 9 if ($self->has_repository) { }
9 0 elsif (&$execute('git remote show -n ' . $self->git_remote) =~ /URL: (.*)$/m) { }
0 0 elsif (&$execute('git svn info') =~ /URL: (.*)$/m) { }
128 1 10 if ($repo{'url'} and $repo{'url'} =~ /\A\w+\z/)
134 2 0 if (&$execute('svn info') =~ /URL: (.*)$/m)
136 0 2 if ($svn_url =~ m[^https(\://.*?\.googlecode\.com/svn/.*)$])
144 2 0 if (my $query_repo = &$execute('darcs query repo'))
145 1 1 if ($query_repo =~ m[Default Remote: (http://.+)])
150 0 1 unless open my $handle, '<', '_darcs/prefs/repos'
153 1 1 if m[^http://]
157 2 0 if (&$execute('hg paths') =~ /default = (.*)$/m)
164 0 0 unless my $svk_info = &$execute('svk info')
166 0 0 if ($svk_info =~ /Mirrored From: (.*), Rev\./)
170 0 0 if ($svk_info =~ m[Merged From: (/mirror/.*), Rev\.])
171 0 0 unless $svk_info = &$execute("svk info /$1")
177 3 16 if (not exists $repo{'url'} and $self->has_repository)