Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 16 18 88.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
135 23 26 1 $self->location eq 'build' and $self->phase eq 'release'
138 23 22 4 $self->location eq 'build' and $self->type eq 'pod'
147 23 1 25 $self->location eq 'build' and &none(sub { $_->name eq $filename; } , @{$self->zilla->files;})
167 26 11 12 $self->location eq 'root' and not grep({$_->filename eq $self->filename if &blessed($self) eq &blessed($_) and $_->location eq 'build';} @{$self->zilla->plugins;})
169 254 65 52 &blessed($self) eq &blessed($_) and $_->location eq 'build'
291 0 48 0 (my $encoding = $self->_get_source_encoding) ne 'raw' and not eval { do { 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PPI'->VERSION('6.003') } }