Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 16 62.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
233 0 4 &$error($item, 'does not exist') and next
235 0 1 &$error($item, 'is not a directory') and next
237 0 1 &$error($item, 'is not a plain file') and next

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
301 0 0 1 &blessed($ex) and $ex->isa('Path::Tiny::Error')
394 3 62 0 $line =~ / \A \s *+ # requires perl v5.10 ( $RE{'filename'} ) (*PRUNE) # requires perl v5.10 (?: \s ++ ( $RE{'mark'} ) (*PRUNE) (?: \s ++ ( $RE{'comment'} ) ) ? ) ? \s * \z /x and do { my($filename, $mark, $comment) = ($1, $2, $3); if ($filename =~ s/ \A ' ( . * ) ' \z /$1;/ex) { $filename =~ s/ \\ ( ['\\] ) /$1;/egx; } ; if (exists $files{$filename}) { my $f = $files{$filename}; $self->log_error(['%s at %s line %d', $filename, $manifest, $n]); $self->log_error([' also listed at %s line %d.', $manifest, $f->{'line'}]); push @errors, $n, 'The file also listed at line ' . $f->{'line'} . '.', $f->{'line'}, 'The file also listed at line ' . $n . '.'; next; } ; my $file = {'filename', $filename, 'mark', $mark // '+', 'comment', $comment, 'line', $n}; $files{$filename} = $file; push @files, $file; 1 }

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
150 24 15 $parent->_file_hash->{$_->name} || 0
385 47 13 $mark // '+'