Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 16 75.0

line true false branch
52 0 10 if $file->can('encoding') and $file->encoding eq 'bytes'
56 10 0 $file->can('encoding') ? :
0 10 unless $file->can('encoding') ? open($fh, sprintf('<:encoding(%s)', $file->encoding), \$file->encoded_content) : open($fh, '<', \$file->content)
64 5 5 if (exists $prereqs{$package} or exists $$develop_prereqs_hash{$package} and not exists $$provides{$package})
76 2 3 unless exists $$develop_prereqs_hash{$package}
78 3 0 $provides ? :
79 1 2 unless ($develop_prereqs->accepts_module($package, $version))
88 6 4 if @errors