Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 26 80.7

line true false branch
66 9 4 unless (keys %self_modules)
79 0 34 if ($NOT_INDEXED{$pkg})
84 1 33 if (&any(sub { $pkg =~ /$_/; } , @skips))
92 4 2 if ($phase eq 'develop' and exists $self_modules{$pkg} and $self_modules{$pkg} >= $ver)
104 0 13 unless @modules
116 6 23 unless ($res->{'success'})
117 6 0 if ($res->{'status'} == 404)
127 0 23 unless (@$payload)
133 22 1 if $requirements->accepts_module($pkg, $indexed_version->stringify)
141 6 7 unless (keys %missing or keys %unmet)
146 6 1 if (keys %missing)
151 1 6 if (keys %unmet)
162 0 7 if $self->zilla->chrome->prompt_yn('release despite missing prereqs?', {'default', 0})