Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 34 85.2

line true false branch
36 0 47 @_ == 1 ? :
42 0 47 unless first sub { $$self{$_}; } , @formats
52 21 26 if (my $struct = $$self{'struct'}) { }
8 18 elsif (my $dir = $$self{'dir'}) { }
18 0 elsif (my $file = $$self{'file'}) { }
117 66 30 if defined $val
123 0 432 if exists $$self{$field}
148 0 39 unless @files
156 2 70 unless ($meta->should_index_package($pack))
161 57 13 unless ($$self{'include_inner_packages'})
170 9 48 unless $base and $pack =~ /\b\Q$base\E$/
188 11 32 if ($metafile = first(sub { /^META\.json$/; } , @files)) { }
2 30 elsif ($metafile = first(sub { /^META\.ya?ml$/; } , @files)) { }
211 5 38 unless $meta->provides
33 10 if (not keys %{{} unless $meta->provides;} and $$self{'determine_packages'})
236 3 35 @_ ? :
249 3 10 unless ref $checksums eq 'ARRAY'