Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 28 0.0

line true false branch
134 0 0 if @{$meta->{$_};} == 1 and $meta->{$_}[0] eq 'unknown'
136 0 0 if ($self->sourcefile('meta/META.PL')->exists)
184 0 0 if (defined $ini) { }
192 0 0 unless $ini->exists
214 0 0 if $self->{'_already_built'}++
222 0 0 unless ($l and ref $l eq 'ARRAY' and @$l and $l->[0] ne 'unknown')
229 0 0 unless ($a and ref $a eq 'ARRAY' and @$a and $a->[0] ne 'unknown')
236 0 0 unless (defined $b and $b ne 'unknown')
242 0 0 if $die
255 0 0 if $self->DOES('Dist::Inkt::Role::CopyFiles')
259 0 0 if $self->DOES('Dist::Inkt::Role::CopyFiles') and $target eq 'Files'
315 0 0 if ($self->should_compress)
335 0 0 if $formatted eq '5.008000'
337 0 0 if ($formatted ge $perl_ver)