Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 44 70.4

line true false branch
32 0 2 unless $self->has_filename
66 2 0 if ($self->files->{'META.json'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->files->{'META.yml'}) { }
93 0 3 unless -d $dir
108 24 12 if $_->is_file
124 0 0 if $_->is_dir
137 2 1 $self->has_dir ? :
142 2 3 unless $self->has_filename
143 1 2 if $self->dir_has_dist
149 14 24 if ($_->is_dir) { }
201 1 11 if ($key =~ /\.pm$/ or $key =~ /\.pl$/)
204 0 1 unless defined $_
205 1 0 unless defined $namespaces{$_}
224 1 11 if ($key =~ m[^lib/] and $key =~ /\.pod$/)
245 11 1 unless $_ =~ m[^bin/] or $_ =~ m[^script/]
271 0 0 $self->has_filename ? :
277 1 2 if $self->has_dir and $self->has_filename
282 0 3 unless @args
283 2 1 if @args % 2 == 1 and ref $args[0] ne 'HASH'
284 2 1 if ($arg)
286 1 1 if (-f $arg) { }
1 0 elsif (-d $arg) { }