Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 49 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
90 0 0 0 $eosre and not ref $eosre
97 0 0 0 $eosre and $_ =~ /$eosre/
122 0 0 0 $eosre and $_ =~ /$eosre/
136 0 0 0 $pagef > 0 and $page ne $curpage
151 0 0 0 $doc->{'trimGenre'} and defined $meta->{'genre'}
155 0 0 0 $doc->{'trimPND'} and defined $meta->{'pnd'}
162 0 0 0 $doc->{'trimAuthor'} and defined $meta->{'author'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
83 0 0 $_ // -1
142 0 0 $w // ''
0 0 $p // ''
0 0 $l // ''
157 0 0 $meta->{'pnd'} // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
101 0 0 0 /^%%\$DDC:index\[([0-9]+)\]=Token\b/ or /^%%\$DDC:index\[([0-9]+)\]=\S+ w$/
0 0 0 /^%%\$DDC:index\[([0-9]+)\]=Pos\b/ or /^%%\$DDC:index\[([0-9]+)\]=\S+ p$/
0 0 0 /^%%\$DDC:index\[([0-9]+)\]=Lemma\b/ or /^%%\$DDC:index\[([0-9]+)\]=\S+ l$/
0 0 0 /^%%\$DDC:index\[([0-9]+)\]=Pos\b/ or /^%%\$DDC:index\[([0-9]+)\]=\S+ page$/
149 0 0 0 $meta->{'genre'} //= $meta->{'textClass'}
154 0 0 0 $meta->{'pnd'} //= $meta->{'author'}