Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 7 22 31.8

line true false branch
85 0 0 if $self->protocol->can("power")
119 0 3 if $text =~ /[\x00-\x1F]/u
143 0 1 unless $value >= $min and $value <= $max
160 0 1 unless defined(my $index = &first(sub { $values[$_] eq $value; } , 0 .. $#values))
332 0 0 unless $x >= 1 and $x <= 4
333 0 0 unless $y >= 1 and $y <= 2
359 0 1 unless @columns
370 0 0 unless @lines
423 0 1 unless $header == 40 and $id1 == 112 and $id2 == 32
444 0 1 if $header != 16
445 0 1 if $len != 2