Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 42 69.0

line true false branch
126 0 17 unless $addr >= 0 and $addr <= 61
128 16 1 if $addr >= 48
349 3 0 if ($mod_format =~ /-FSK$|^GFSK$/u)
413 0 8 unless defined $_config
417 1 7 if (defined(my $mode = delete $changes{'mode'}))
418 0 1 unless $PRESET_MODES{$mode}
424 1 7 if (defined(my $band = delete $changes{'band'}))
425 0 1 unless $BANDS{$band}
433 2 6 if defined $newpatable
446 7 1 if (my $len = $until - $addr)
451 2 6 if (defined $newpatable and $newpatable ne $_patable)
542 0 11 unless $cmd >= 48 and $cmd <= 61
632 0 4 unless XXX >= $len
691 1 1 $fixedlen ? :
693 2 0 if $append_status
698 2 0 if ($append_status)
730 1 1 if ($fixedlen) { }
732 0 1 unless $pktlen == $_cached_config{'PACKET_LENGTH'}
736 0 1 unless $pktlen <= 62
742 1 1 unless $fixedlen
748 0 0 unless $timeout--