Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 38 55.2

line true false branch
62 0 2 if $variable =~ /^[%\@]/
64 2 0 unless $variable =~ /^[%\@]/
65 1 1 if $value =~ /^Global symbol/
88 2 3 if ($c->stash->{'template'})
107 0 2 if (defined $cgi_sequence and $cgi_sequence < $sequence)
120 0 0 if ($ebug->finished and $action ne 'restart' and $action ne 'undo')
126 0 2 if ($action eq 'break point:') { }
0 2 elsif ($action eq 'break_point') { }
0 2 elsif ($action eq 'break_point_delete') { }
132 0 2 if ($action eq 'next') { }
0 2 elsif ($action eq 'restart') { }
0 2 elsif ($action eq 'return') { }
0 2 elsif ($action eq 'run') { }
140 1 1 if ($action eq 'step') { }
0 1 elsif ($action eq 'undo') { }
182 1 1 if exists $codelines_cache->{$filename}
203 0 15 if $size < 0
255 0 0 unless $filename
268 1 0 if @_ > 1