Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 86 37.2

line true false branch
51 2 2 if (not ref $_ and /^-(\w+)$/) { }
1 1 elsif ($_ eq 'track_object') { }
0 1 elsif (not ref $_ and m[^/]) { }
52 0 2 if ($1 eq 'debug') { }
0 2 elsif ($1 eq 'verbose') { }
0 2 elsif ($1 eq 'timestamp') { }
2 0 elsif ($1 eq 'noend') { }
0 0 elsif ($1 eq 'size') { }
0 0 elsif ($1 eq 'sizediff') { }
0 0 elsif ($1 eq 'out') { }
62 0 0 unless $with_size = eval { do { require Devel::Size } }
66 0 0 unless $with_size
69 0 0 unless ref $outfunc eq 'CODE'
82 0 0 if $@
88 1 1 if @conditions
95 2 0 if $no_end
96 0 0 if $is_redefined
105 0 4 $verbose ? :
118 0 1 if defined wantarray
121 1 0 if (@weak_objects)
127 0 1 if ($with_size)
130 0 0 if ($with_sizediff) { }
135 0 0 unless defined $o->[4]
136 0 0 unless defined $o->[5]
143 1 0 defined $o->[3] ? :
163 4 0 if (defined wantarray)
164 4 0 %count4class ? :
168 0 0 if (%count4class)
183 8 0 if (ref $_[0])
185 5 0 if $_->[0]
187 0 8 $old_bless ? :
192 8 0 if (@conditions) { }
194 0 8 if (not ref $c) { }
8 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($c, 'Regexp')) { }
0 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($c, 'CODE')) { }
195 0 0 if $c eq $pkg or $c eq $class
197 3 5 if $pkg =~ /$c/ or $class =~ /$c/
199 0 0 if &$c($pkg) or &$c($class)
205 3 5 if $track
221 0 1 if $is_redefined
226 1 0 if $@
240 0 0 defined $info ? :
0 4 if $debug