Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 58 114 50.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
500 0 328 267 @c and exists $hide_packages{$c[0]}
328 72 195 @c and exists $hide_packages{$c[0]} and not $Devel::TraceCalls::show_all
510 0 318 82 @caller and defined $callee
570 0 0 1 exists $$_{'Subs'} && !exists($$_{'Package'}) && !exists($$_{'Class'}) && !exists($$_{'Objects'})
735 1 0 5 @_ and grep UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], $_), keys %{$$_{'_TraceClasses'};}
0 2 2 @_ and $$_{'_TraceInstance'} == $_[0]
741 21 1 0 not @tps and $show_skipped_trace_points
792 16 7 0 $is_method and $$tp{'CaptureSelf'} || $$tp{'LogTo'}
837 0 0 0 length $object_id > length $sub_name_prefix and index($object_id, $sub_name_prefix) == 0
845 0 0 0 exists $$tp{'ObjectId'} && defined $$tp{'ObjectId'}
0 10 0 not defined $l{'Object'} and $r{'LooksLikeAMethod'}
963 23 0 0 $exception and $$tp{'LogTo'}
23 0 0 $exception and $$tp{'LogTo'} and ref $$tp{'LogTo'} ne 'ARRAY'
1086 1 0 0 exists $$_{'Subs'} && !exists($$_{'Package'}) && !exists($$_{'Objects'}) && !exists($$_{'Class'})
1381 37 0 1 exists $$tp{'CaptureAll'} and $$tp{'CaptureAll'}
1408 0 0 38 defined $sig and length $sig

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
468 76 44 $_[0] || 0
778 2 21 $params_cache ||= [map({my $d = Dumper($stringify_blessed_refs ? _stringify_blessed_refs($_) : $_); chomp $d; $d;} $is_method ? @_[1 .. $#_] : @_)]
801 0 2 $$tp{'StackCaptureDepth'} || 1000000
878 0 10 $l{'Prefix'} || ''
0 10 $l{'Object'} || ''
10 0 $l{'Sub'} || ''
10 0 $l{'Args'} || ''
0 10 $l{'Suffix'} || ''
966 0 0 $$l{'Prefix'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
659 0 0 0 not $type or $type eq 'Regexp'
735 18 0 6 not $is_class_method or @_ and grep UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], $_), keys %{$$_{'_TraceClasses'};}
22 0 4 not $is_instance_method or @_ and $$_{'_TraceInstance'} == $_[0]
766 2 5 16 exists $$tp{'_TraceInstance'} || exists $$tp{'_TraceClasses'}
771 0 2 21 $record_call_time ||= $$tp{'CaptureCallTime'}
772 0 2 21 $record_return_time ||= $$tp{'CaptureReturnTime'}
776 2 21 0 $$tp{'CaptureArgs'} or $$tp{'LogTo'}
792 0 7 0 $$tp{'CaptureSelf'} || $$tp{'LogTo'}
800 2 0 21 $$tp{'CaptureStack'} or $$tp{'ShowStack'}
2 0 21 $$tp{'CaptureStack'} or $$tp{'ShowStack'} or $show_stack
890 0 0 10 $$tp{'ShowStack'} or $show_stack
1077 21 0 0 !defined($pattern) || $_ =~ /$pattern/
1085 0 3 0 $tracer ||= 'Devel::TraceCalls'->new
1166 0 20 0 ref $proto || $proto
1392 30 0 8 exists $$tp{'LogTo'} or $$tp{'PreCall'}
0 0 8 exists $$tp{'LogTo'} or $$tp{'PreCall'} or $$tp{'PostCall'}