Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 72 112 64.2

line true false branch
65 4 5 if scalar(@_) % 2 != 0
69 9 0 if ($varRef)
71 2 7 if ($varRef =~ /HASH/) { }
4 3 elsif ($varRef =~ /SCALAR|REF/) { }
2 1 elsif ($varRef =~ /ARRAY/) { }
1 0 elsif ($varRef =~ /CODE/) { }
128 1 0 if (ref(&$varRef) =~ /ARRAY|HASH/) { }
178 0 0 if ($runPatch)
194 4 0 if ($varRef)
196 0 4 if ($varRef =~ /HASH/) { }
3 1 elsif ($varRef =~ /SCALAR/) { }
1 0 elsif ($varRef =~ /ARRAY/) { }
0 0 elsif ($varRef =~ /CODE/) { }
225 0 0 if ($runPatch)
245 2 0 if (not tied %$varRef) { }
250 0 0 if (ref($self) =~ /Devel::Monitor/) { }
263 2 0 if (not tied @$varRef) { }
268 0 0 if (ref($self) =~ /Devel::Monitor/) { }
281 4 0 if (not tied $$varRef) { }
290 0 0 if (ref($self) =~ /Devel::Monitor/) { }
375 13 145 unless $trace
376 13 145 unless $weakenedRef
377 13 145 unless $seenRef
378 13 145 unless $circRefTypesRef
380 0 158 unless $varRef
388 0 70 if (isweak $$varRef)
396 3 67 if (exists $$simpleSeenRef{$varRef} and $$simpleSeenRef{$varRef} > 1)
397 2 1 if ($isFirst) { }
417 144 11 if $origRef
422 19 136 if ($circRefType)
427 11 125 if ($isFirst)
437 0 136 if $isWeak
440 11 125 if $isFirst
455 14 122 if ($varRef =~ /HASH/) { }
111 11 elsif ($varRef =~ /SCALAR|CODE/) { }
11 0 elsif ($varRef =~ /ARRAY/) { }
456 0 14 if tied %$varRef
467 0 11 if tied @$varRef
484 0 0 if ($runPatch)
508 0 22 if $crt == 3
509 15 7 if $crt == 1
510 7 15 if $crt == 2
533 155 0 if ($varRef)
536 144 11 if ($origRef)
542 19 125 if ($isCircRef or $isInternalCircRef)
545 19 0 if (not $hideWeakenedCircRef or $hideWeakenedCircRef and not $isWeakenedItems) { }
0 0 elsif ($hideWeakenedCircRef and $isWeakenedItems) { }
549 13 6 if ($isCircRef) { }
6 0 elsif ($isInternalCircRef) { }
555 0 19 if ($isWeakenedItems)
560 0 19 if $isWeakenedItems
561 13 6 if $isCircRef
562 6 0 if $isInternalCircRef
579 16 198 if (exists $$seenRef{$varRef}) { }
647 0 0 if ($traceItem->getVarRef eq $weakened)
653 19 26 if $traceItem->getVarRef eq $traceItemCircRef->getVarRef