Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 42 85.7

line true false branch
24 57 0 if (not defined &Devel::Examine::Subs::Postprocessor::trace)
31 5 140 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
44 7 141 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
62 3 138 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
67 136 4 if (exists $self->{'post_procs'}{$string}) { }
76 2 43 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
80 0 42 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
103 3 70 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
107 1 70 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
114 4 67 if ($search and not $p->{'regex'})
120 26 45 unless ($search)
129 181 1997 if ($_ and /$search/)
134 253 170 unless ($found)
146 2 4 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
150 0 4 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
169 2 2 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
173 0 1 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
181 2 16 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
187 0 16 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
194 0 16 unless ref $struct eq 'ARRAY'
199 1 15 if ($search and not $p->{'regex'})