Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 99 158 62.6

line true false branch
6 0 9 if (not defined &DB::DB and $^P & 2)
11 9 0 $can_use_informative_names ? :
38 0 9 "$]" >= 5.008009 && "$]" < 5.01 ? :
40 0 9 "$]" > 5.008009 && "$]" <= 5.01 ? :
42 0 9 "$]" < 5.008008 ? :
48 9 0 defined &Config::non_bincompat_options ? :
0 9 (defined &Config::non_bincompat_options ? grep(($_ eq 'DEBUGGING'), Config::non_bincompat_options()) : $Config::Config{'ccflags'} =~ /-DDEBUGGING\b/) ? :
97 52 1 defined $arg ? :
98 47 6 if (@match) { }
111 13 5 defined $ENABLEOPTS{$opt} ? :
2 18 @_ && (!defined($_[0]) || $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/) ? :
4 20 defined $num ? :
2 24 defined $equal ? :
21 26 defined $no ? :
114 16 31 if ($NUMOPTS{$opt})
115 2 14 !$value ? :
0 16 !defined($value) ? :
126 5 48 if (@bad)
128 5 1 defined $_ ? :
150 0 34 if (defined $OPTIONS{'builtin'})
152 0 0 $OPTIONS{'builtin'} ? :
155 10 24 if ($OPTIONS{'source'} or $OPTIONS{'evalsource'})
159 0 34 if ($OPTIONS{'color'} and $^O eq 'MSWin32')
160 0 0 if (eval { do { require Win32::Console::ANSI } }) { }
171 34 0 if ($OPTIONS{'errors'} and not $OLD_SIG{'__DIE__'})
173 5 29 if $SIG{'__DIE__'} and $SIG{'__DIE__'} ne \&Devel::Confess::_die
176 16 18 if ($OPTIONS{'warnings'} and not $OLD_SIG{'__WARN__'})
178 0 16 if $SIG{'__WARN__'} and $SIG{'__WARN__'} ne \&Devel::Confess::_warn
184 34 0 if $OPTIONS{'better_names'}
193 18 36 unless my $now = $SIG{$name}
195 0 36 if ($now ne $sub and $old) { }
5 31 elsif ($old) { }
216 56 5 unless defined $sig
217 1 4 if ref $sig
220 2 2 if $sig eq 'DEFAULT' or $sig eq 'IGNORE'
225 2 0 defined &{$sig;} ? :
231 0 0 if (my $sig = _find_sig($OLD_SIG{'__WARN__'})) { }
232 0 0 ref $convert[0] ? :
236 0 0 if $OPTIONS{'color'}
243 3 58 if (my $sig = _find_sig($OLD_SIG{'__DIE__'}))
244 0 3 ref $convert[0] ? :
246 0 61 if &_can_stringify()
247 0 61 if $OPTIONS{'color'} and &_can_stringify()
254 58 3 unless ref $convert[0]
259 0 0 if ($OPTIONS{'color'} eq 'force' or -t *STDERR)
260 0 0 if (@convert == 1)
278 3 12 $OPTIONS{'dump'} == 9**9**9 ? :
285 7 58 $OPTIONS{'dump'} ? :
288 21 40 if ($OPTIONS{'source'} or $OPTIONS{'evalsource'})
290 0 21 $OPTIONS{'evalsource'} ? :
307 1 0 defined $ex ? :
322 0 0 if defined $EXCEPTIONS{$id}
333 3 62 if (my $class = &blessed(my $ex = $_[0])) { }
0 62 elsif (ref($ex = $_[0])) { }
335 0 3 unless $OPTIONS{'objects'}
337 0 3 unless do { no strict 'refs'; defined &{'Devel::Confess::_Attached::DESTROY';} }
340 0 3 if (defined $EXCEPTIONS{$id})
342 0 0 if _isa($ex, 'Devel::Confess::_Attached')
346 0 0 if (ref($ex) =~ /^Devel::Confess::__ANON_/) { }
358 0 3 if (grep {$ex->$does($_) unless $NoTrace{$_} and _can($ex, 'isa') and $ex->isa($_);} keys %NoTrace)
360 6 0 unless $NoTrace{$_} and _can($ex, 'isa') and $ex->isa($_)
399 24 38 if (caller 1 eq 'Carp')
403 12 12 unless $out =~ s/\Q$long\E\z|\Q$long_trail\E\z//
410 21 41 if $OPTIONS{'source'} or $OPTIONS{'evalsource'}
417 21 37 if $OPTIONS{'source'} or $OPTIONS{'evalsource'}
420 58 0 length $trace ? :
421 46 12 if $out =~ s/(\Q$find\E(?: during global destruction)?(\.?\n?))$trace_re\z//
423 9 49 if (defined $source_trace)
424 9 0 if (defined $new_source_trace)
430 21 37 if (defined $new_source_trace)
439 0 1 unless ref $ex
444 1 0 if (&blessed($ex)) { }
0 0 elsif ($OPTIONS{'dump'}) { }
446 1 0 if $class
447 0 1 if ($OPTIONS{'dump'} and not overload::OverloadedStringify($ex)) { }
453 1 0 if $class
476 0 0 $ex ? :
503 0 2 unless my $class = delete $PACKAGES{$id}
522 0 2 if (delete $CLONED{$id})