Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 2 76 2.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
182 0 0 0 $store->[$i]{'client'} eq $class and $store->[$i]{'expr'} eq $expr
354 0 0 0 $op_to_deparse->is_null and $op_to_deparse->children
0 0 0 $op_to_deparse->is_null and $op_to_deparse->children and $op_to_deparse->children->[0]->is_if_statement
0 0 0 $op_to_deparse->op->name eq 'grepwhile' and $op_to_deparse->first->children->[1]->first->is_scopelike || $op_to_deparse->first->children->[1]->first->is_null && $op_to_deparse->first->children->[1]->first->first->is_scopelike
406 0 0 0 $current_op and $parents--
562 0 0 0 $single and defined $step_over_depth
0 0 0 $single and defined $step_over_depth and $step_over_depth < $stack_depth
577 0 0 0 $DB::dbline{$line} and $DB::dbline{$line}{$breakpoint_key}
663 0 0 0 $DB::dbline{$line} and $DB::dbline{$line}{'action'}
836 0 0 0 defined $step_over_depth and $step_over_depth >= $stack_depth

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
282 0 0 $DB::postpone_until_loaded{$filename} ||= []
603 32 0 $subname ||= 'MAIN'
693 0 0 $subroutine ||= 'MAIN'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
50 0 0 6 %trace_clients || @watch_exprs
305 0 0 0 $optrees{$optree_cache_key} ||= 'Devel::Chitin::OpTree'->build_from_location(ref $current_sub ? $current_sub : $loc)
354 0 0 0 $op_to_deparse->first->children->[1]->first->is_scopelike || $op_to_deparse->first->children->[1]->first->is_null && $op_to_deparse->first->children->[1]->first->first->is_scopelike
0 0 0 $op_to_deparse->op->name eq 'mapwhile' or $op_to_deparse->op->name eq 'grepwhile' and $op_to_deparse->first->children->[1]->first->is_scopelike || $op_to_deparse->first->children->[1]->first->is_null && $op_to_deparse->first->children->[1]->first->first->is_scopelike
356 0 0 0 eval { do { &$xform($op_to_deparse) } } || $op_to_deparse
547 0 0 0 defined $current_value->[$i] xor defined $old_value->[$i] or $current_value->[$i] ne $old_value->[$i]
568 0 0 0 $single or $signal
684 0 0 0 not $ready or $debugger_disabled
0 0 0 not $ready or $debugger_disabled or $in_debugger
744 0 0 0 $finished or @pending_eval
785 0 0 0 not $ready or index($sub, 'Devel::Chitin::StackTracker') == 0
0 0 0 not $ready or index($sub, 'Devel::Chitin::StackTracker') == 0 or $debugger_disabled

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
547 0 0 0 0 defined $current_value->[$i] xor defined $old_value->[$i]