Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 36 47.2

line true false branch
36 0 0 $_[0] ? :
50 0 7 if (exists $FAIL{$_})
52 0 0 if $DEBUG
56 0 7 if $DEBUG
58 2 5 if (/[^A-Za-z0-9\_\:\.]/)
60 0 2 if $DEBUG
65 4 1 if eval "require $_;"
68 0 1 if $DEBUG
91 0 1 unless $name
97 2 1 if ($_[0] eq 'CODECHECK')
106 1 1 unless (eval "\n require 5.6.1;\n return undef unless exists &\$n;\n 1;\n ")
107 1 0 unless exists "${name}::"->{$_[1]}
111 2 0 if $_[0] eq 'CODE' or $_[0] eq 'CODECHECK'
112 0 0 if $_[0] eq 'HASH'
113 0 0 if $_[0] eq 'ARRAY'
114 0 0 if $_[0] eq 'GLOB' or $_[0] eq 'HANDLE'
115 0 0 if $_[0] eq 'SCALAR'
130 1 1 unless ref $o eq 'Detect::Module::Internal' and $Detect::Module::Internal::AUTOLOAD =~ /^@{['Detect::Module::Internal'];}::(.*)$/ and $f = &$o('CODECHECK', $1, 1)