Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 26 0.0

line true false branch
14 0 0 $opts && $$opts{'src'} ? :
20 0 0 if (not $cmdLine[1] =~ /-d/)
23 0 0 unless (open $rcFile, '>.perldb' and do { $RCFileLoc = '.perldb' })
24 0 0 unless open $rcFile, ">$ENV{'HOME'}/.perldb" and do { $RCFileLoc = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.perldb" }
30 0 0 if ($src)
52 0 0 if ($opt and defined $$opt{'freecontent'}) { }
57 0 0 if ($opt and defined $$opt{'parseoptions'}) { }
62 0 0 $opt && defined $$opt{'interactive'} ? :
63 0 0 $opt && defined $$opt{'outputfile'} ? :
64 0 0 $opt && defined $$opt{'autotrace'} ? :
65 0 0 $opt && defined $$opt{'frame'} ? :
87 0 0 if ($srcCmdStr)
97 0 0 if (-f $rcFile)