Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 221 372 59.4

line true false branch
26 0 2905 if (defined(my $blessed = &Scalar::Util::blessed($class)))
30 1 2904 @_ ? :
42 0 7375 unless my $count = scalar @_
45 7331 44 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($self)) { }
50 7331 0 $count == 1 ? :
51 0 0 unless exists $self->{$_} and $self
56 0 0 if exists $SETTINGS->{$_}
44 0 $count == 1 ? :
64 6648 689 $setting ? :
65 0 689 unless $_[0]->_internal(1)
74 6462 7 if (defined(my $class = &Scalar::Util::blessed($self))) { }
78 6015 447 $count == 1 ? :
0 6462 $count == 0 ? :
83 6 0 $count == 1 ? :
1 6 $count == 0 ? :
93 0 1238 unless @_
98 1111 127 if (defined($class = &Scalar::Util::blessed($self))) { }
108 6 1232 if $set{'keywords'}
113 2 1439 unless $internal or $class->exists($k)
115 699 742 if defined $v and not ref $v
128 0 0 length $_[0] ? :
130 0 0 if (my $name = _nameify($pkg))
173 41 0 if (defined $_[0] and not ref $_[0])
176 41 0 if length $name
178 41 0 1 == @_ ? :
180 41 0 if (length $name) { }
181 0 41 if ($name =~ /[[:cntrl:]]/u)
186 0 0 if (defined(my $ref = &Scalar::Util::blessed($value))) { }
192 0 41 unless length $name
194 22 19 unless ($sigil)
196 0 22 $ref eq 'HASH' ? :
0 22 $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? :
204 0 0 $sigil eq '%' ? :
0 0 $sigil eq '@' ? :
41 0 $sigil eq '$' ? :
212 0 41 if (my $beautify = $self->get('beautify')) { }
232 0 21 if @_ and defined $_[0]
250 0 0 if @_
251 0 0 unless defined $_
252 0 0 $_ ? :
262 400 0 if @_
263 0 400 unless defined $_
264 0 400 if ref $_
272 1 399 if ($quote1 ne $open)
273 0 1 if ($open =~ /\w/u)
290 60 0 if @_
291 0 60 unless defined $_
292 0 60 if ref $_
297 60 0 if (my $sigils = $self->get('sigils'))
306 0 60 if ($quote2 ne $open)
307 0 0 if ($open =~ /\w/u)
374 422 0 if @_
375 0 422 unless defined $_
376 0 422 if ref $_
380 0 422 if ($quote)
381 0 0 if $quote1 and $quote1 eq $quote
382 0 0 if $quote2 and $quote2 eq $quote
390 12 410 if $longstr and $longstr < length $_ or $also and /[$also]/u
394 410 0 unless $tr1
397 389 21 unless $single_quotes
400 21 0 unless $tr2
403 20 1 unless $double_quotes
425 3414 0 if @_
427 0 3414 unless defined $_
429 0 3414 if (ref $_)
430 0 0 if (my $method = $self->overloaded($_)) { }
444 384 0 if @_
446 1 383 unless defined $_
448 369 14 if ($self->is_numeric($_)) { }
12 2 elsif (LooksLike::number($_)) { }
449 0 369 unless my $sep = $self->get('num_sep')
485 552 0 if @_
488 511 41 $self->isa(scalar caller) ? :
496 546 0 if @_
498 20 526 unless defined $_
500 36 490 if (defined(my $blessed = &Scalar::Util::blessed($_)))
502 4 32 $blessed eq 'Regexp' ? :
507 384 106 unless ($ref)
511 36 344 LooksLike::number($_) ? :
380 0 $ref2 eq 'SCALAR' ? :
2 380 $ref2 eq 'VSTRING' ? :
0 382 $ref2 eq 'LVALUE' ? :
2 382 $ref2 eq 'GLOB' ? :
530 0 18 $ref eq 'REGEXP' ? :
40 18 $ref eq 'REF' ? :
0 58 $ref eq 'IO' ? :
16 58 $ref eq 'HASH' ? :
4 74 $ref eq 'FORMAT' ? :
8 78 $ref eq 'CODE' ? :
20 86 $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? :
534 2 0 $ref eq 'VSTRING' ? :
10 2 $ref eq 'SCALAR' ? :
4 12 $ref eq 'LVALUE' ? :
2 16 $ref eq 'GLOB' ? :
574 0 4 if (defined(my $vsep = $self->get('vsep'))) { }
612 4 0 if @_
616 4 0 unless $tr3
619 0 4 shift() // $quoter ? :
628 0 4 if ($open =~ /\w/u)
678 63 263 unless ($keyword_set)
680 0 63 unless @$keywords
690 493 0 if @_
692 0 493 unless defined $_
693 0 493 if ref $_
695 167 326 if ($self->is_numeric($_)) { }
294 32 elsif (length $_ < $self->get('longstr') and not $self->is_keyword($_) and /\A-?[[:alpha:]_]\w*\z/u) { }
715 5 0 $^V >= v5.16.0 ? :
734 5 0 unless eval $keysort
744 0 58 if (my $ref = ref(my $keyfilter = $self->get('keyfilter')))
747 0 0 if ($ref eq 'ARRAY' or $ref eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif ($ref eq 'CODE') { }
0 0 elsif ($ref eq 'Regexp') { }
0 0 elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') { }
750 0 0 $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? :
754 0 0 exists $keyfilterhash{$_} ? :
762 0 0 /$keyfilterregexp/u ? :
770 0 58 if (my $keymap = $self->get('keymap'))
773 58 0 if (my $keysort = $self->get('keysort'))
789 28 0 if (1 == @_)
791 28 0 $ref eq 'HASH' ? :
0 28 $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? :
838 32 0 @_ ? :
840 32 0 unless defined &Scalar::Util::blessed($object) and overload::Overloaded($object)
845 0 0 if (my $method = overload::Method($object, $overload))
866 32 0 @_ ? :
868 0 32 unless defined(my $class = &Scalar::Util::blessed($object))
872 0 32 if (do { my $code = $self->_find_handler($class) }) { }
0 32 elsif (my $method = $self->overloaded($object)) { }
0 32 elsif (my $attrkeyvals = $object->can('_attrkeyvals')) { }
883 12 0 $data eq 'SCALAR' ? :
0 12 $data eq 'REGEXP' ? :
0 12 $data eq 'REF' ? :
4 12 $data eq 'IO' ? :
12 16 $data eq 'HASH' ? :
0 28 $data eq 'GLOB' ? :
0 28 $data eq 'FORMAT' ? :
0 28 $data eq 'CODE' ? :
4 28 $data eq 'ARRAY' ? :
918 4 0 @_ ? :
923 4 4 if (*{"main::STD$ioe";}{'IO'} == $io)
958 8 0 if (@_ and defined $_[0])
960 8 0 if (my $ref = &Scalar::Util::reftype($_)) { }
961 8 0 if ($ref eq 'CODE') { }
962 4 4 unless ((my $subname = Sub::Util::subname($_)) =~ /\A(?:\w+\::)*__ANON__\z/u)
991 52 0 if @_
1016 4 0 if ($name =~ /^\*$package\::(?:$word|$digits)?$/u) { }
1032 0 0 if (my $beauty = $self->get('beautify')) { }
1043 1 10 unless @_
1046 10 0 if (defined($class = &Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0])) or not ref $_[0] and length($class = $_[0]))
1049 8 2 if ($class->isa($caller))
1058 5121 2730 defined &Scalar::Util::blessed($self) ? :
1062 1 6627 unless $_[0]->_internal(1)
1070 44 0 if @_
1080 44 0 unless my $code = $self->can(_nameify($c))
1087 0 535 unless defined $_[0]
1097 0 464 if (1 < length $open)
1100 0 0 if ($qpairs{$open}) { }
1106 464 0 unless $close
1123 0 1048 if (LooksLike::number($element)) { }
1048 0 elsif (length $element == 1) { }
1137 2061 18 $_ <= 255 ? :
1152 5 1 if (do { $ord <= 65535 if 0 <= $ord }) { }
1 0 elsif (65536 <= $ord and $ord <= 1114111) { }
1153 6 0 if 0 <= $ord
1154 0 5 if (55296 <= $ord and $ord <= 57343)
1180 0 6 if (do { $ord <= 127 if 0 <= $ord }) { }
4 2 elsif (128 <= $ord and $ord <= 2047) { }
1 1 elsif (2048 <= $ord and $ord <= 65535) { }
1 0 elsif (65536 <= $ord and $ord <= 1114111) { }
1181 6 0 if 0 <= $ord
1194 0 1 if (55296 <= $ord and $ord <= 57343)
1230 153 142 if (defined $encode->{$ord}) { }
6 136 elsif ($utf == 8) { }
6 130 elsif ($utf == 16) { }
127 3 elsif ($ord <= 255) { }
2 1 elsif ($ord <= 65535) { }
1250 1 0 if @_
1265 22 1 ($counts{$a} //= 0) <= ($counts{$b} //= 0) ? :
1288 142 0 length $var ? :
1289 0 142 if ($sigil eq '@' or $sigil eq '%') { }
32 110 elsif ($pos) { }
1290 0 0 if ($pos) { }
1314 401 110 unless my $refaddr = &Scalar::Util::refaddr($ref)
1317 0 110 if @$entry == $self->get('_cache_hit')
1325 404 148 unless my $refaddr = &Scalar::Util::refaddr($item)
1328 6 142 if (my $entry = $_cache->{$refaddr}) { }