Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 74 80 92.5

line true false branch
18 1 50 unless $dt1->time_zone->name eq $dt2->time_zone->name
22 35 16 $dt1 >= $dt2 ? :
33 39 12 unless ($is_floating)
37 5 34 if ($utc_rd_secs >= 86340 and not $is_floating)
64 13 3 if ($bigger->time_zone->has_dst_changes and $bigger->ymd ne $smaller->ymd || $bigger->is_dst != $smaller->is_dst)
74 3 4 if $bigger->is_dst and do { local $@; my $prev_day = eval { do { $bigger->clone->subtract('days', 1) } }; $prev_day && !$prev_day->is_dst ? 1 : 0 }
76 3 4 $prev_day && !$prev_day->is_dst ? :
83 1 5 if not $bigger->is_dst and do { local $@; my $prev_day = eval { do { $bigger->clone->subtract('days', 1) } }; $prev_day && $prev_day->is_dst ? 1 : 0 }
85 1 5 $prev_day && $prev_day->is_dst ? :
109 16 35 if ($negative)
114 30 50 if $_
140 7 48 if ($nano1 < $nano2)
146 8 47 if ($sec1 < $sec2)
154 8 47 if ($min1 < $min2)
160 12 43 if ($day1 < $day2)
180 6 2 unless $self->time_zone->is_floating
184 6 2 unless $dt->time_zone->is_floating
190 1 7 if ($nanoseconds < 0)
264 0 4358 if ($reversed)
269 2 4356 unless (blessed $dur and $dur->isa('DateTimeX::Lite::Duration'))
286 0 1229 if ($reversed)
291 1208 21 if (blessed $date2 and $date2->isa('DateTimeX::Lite::Duration')) { }
19 2 elsif (blessed $date2 and $date2->isa('DateTimeX::Lite')) { }
321 0 6324 unless (blessed $dur and $dur->isa('DateTimeX::Lite::Duration'))
326 0 6324 if $dur->is_zero
335 1 31611 if ($val == &INFINITY) { }
1 31610 elsif ($val == &NEG_INFINITY) { }
344 2 31610 if ($inf)
353 4 6318 if $self->is_infinite
355 3483 2835 if ($deltas{'days'})
362 575 5743 if ($deltas{'months'})
367 131 444 $dur->is_preserve_mode ? :
372 131 444 if $dur->is_preserve_mode
374 1 574 if (not $dur->is_wrap_mode and $d > 28) { }
384 0 1 if $last_day > $d
394 4056 2262 if ($deltas{'days'} or $deltas{'months'})
401 85 6230 if ($deltas{'minutes'})
409 2200 4115 if ($deltas{'seconds'} or $deltas{'nanoseconds'})
413 3 2197 if ($deltas{'nanoseconds'})
427 0 6315 $$self{'formatter'} ? :