Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 76 61.8

line true false branch
33 1392 3 unless ($min_open)
36 1363 29 if defined $min2 and $min == $min2
50 2 1393 if $start > $end
66 70 0 unless ($max_open)
69 58 12 if $max == $max2
95 133 1475 unless defined $delta->{'delta'}
100 1276 332 if ($#{$$set{'list'};} != 0 or $set->is_too_complex)
110 77 255 if ($set->min != -9**9**9 and $set->max != 9**9**9)
118 75 2 unless ($min_open)
121 47 28 if defined $min2 and $min == $min2
128 73 4 unless (defined $delta->{'max_delta'})
132 17 161 if ($max_open) { }
134 5 12 if $min1 >= $max
138 64 97 if $min1 > $max
144 89 20 if ($delta->{'delta'}) { }
159 6 2 if ($max < $min + $delta->{'max_delta'})
163 0 28 if ($max_open) { }
165 0 0 if $min1 >= $max
169 6 22 if $min1 > $max
191 72 605 if $#{$_[0]{'list'};} == 0 and $_[0]->max == 9**9**9
201 670 1138 if exists $_[0]{'method'} and $_[0]{'method'} eq '_recurrence'
207 6 623 if (exists $s1->{'method'} and $s1->{'method'} eq '_recurrence')
210 6 0 unless (ref $s2 and exists $s2->{'method'})
213 4 0 if defined $min and $min != -9**9**9 and $min != 9**9**9
215 0 0 if defined $max and $max != -9**9**9 and $max != 9**9**9
219 0 0 if ($s1->{'parent'}->is_forever and ref $s2 and _is_recurrence($s2))
224 0 0 if defined $min and $min != -9**9**9 and $min != 9**9**9
226 0 0 if defined $max and $max != -9**9**9 and $max != 9**9**9
236 212 1846 if (exists $s1->{'method'} and $s1->{'method'} eq '_recurrence')
242 207 5 unless ref $s2 and exists $s2->{'method'}
245 1 0 if ($s1->{'parent'}->is_forever and ref $s2 and _is_recurrence($s2))
258 0 0 if $n1 == $n2
260 0 0 if $iterate++ == $Set::Infinite::_recurrence::max_iterate
270 0 0 if $p1 == $p2
272 0 0 if $iterate++ == $Set::Infinite::_recurrence::max_iterate
284 0 0 if ($s1->_is_recurrence and ref $s2 and _is_recurrence($s2))
294 0 0 $n1 < $n2 ? :
299 0 0 $p1 > $p2 ? :