Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 18 30 60.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
19 264 0 7 $date_chunks[1] =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ and my($month_abbrev) = grep({$date_chunks[1] =~ /^$_$/i;} keys %{$$self{"data"}{"months_abbrev"};})
34 6 0 12 $date_sep =~ /^\\[-.]$/ and not $format =~ /$date_sep/
57 265 6 0 not $lax and $format_sep ne $date_sep
69 0 0 271 $d and $m
0 0 271 $d and $m and $y
0 0 271 @format_order == 3 and ($d and $m and $y)
119 1 0 192 defined $format and $format =~ m[^(?:(?:m/d)|(?:d/m))$]
201 495717 241 10281 scalar keys %$count == 1 && $$count{(keys %$count)[0]} == 2
206 12360 0 241 scalar keys %$count == 1 && $$count{(keys %$count)[0]} == 1 && (keys %$count)[0] eq '/'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
55 6 265 0 $format_sep ||= $date_sep