Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 78 100 78.0

line true false branch
14 137 6218 if ($self->{'lang'} and not ref $self->{'lang'} eq 'ARRAY')
27 417 11007 if ($self->{'lang'})
30 278 139 unless (&any(sub { $_ eq $lang; } , @{$$self{'lang'};}))
32 0 278 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
36 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
38 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
40 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
42 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
44 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
46 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
48 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
50 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
52 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
54 0 11146 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
65 4 93508 if ($date =~ /$orig_tz/mix)
94 0 44584 unless exists $instructions->{$keyword}
99 101 44483 if ($date =~ /$rx/mix)
102 24 77 if ($has_units) { }
110 29 510 if ($date =~ /$day/mix)
118 48 876 if ($date =~ /$month/mix)
125 0 101 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
130 0 101 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
143 21 3 if (my($amount, $unit) = $date =~ /(\d+)\s+([^\s]+)/mx)
145 0 21 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
146 21 0 if (exists $strings{$unit})
150 13 8 if ($direction eq 'past')
154 8 13 if ($direction eq 'future')
160 0 21 if ($ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'})
182 14 15 if ($direction eq 'past')
185 12 2 if ($amount < 1)
186 0 14 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
192 15 14 if ($direction eq 'future')
195 4 11 if ($amount < 1)
196 0 15 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
216 0 48 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
219 15 33 if ($direction eq 'past' and $date_mon >= $mon)
223 11 37 if ($direction eq 'future' and $date_mon <= $mon)
228 0 48 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}
241 45 96600 if ($date =~ /\Q$key\E/mix)
251 8 378539 if ($date =~ /$key/mix)
268 2408 132123 if ($date =~ /\b$month_name\b/mix) { }
11 132112 elsif ($date =~ /\d$month_name/mix) { }
4 132108 elsif ($date =~ /\b$month_name\d.*\b/mix) { }
303 16 80959 if ($date =~ /\A$day_name\z/mx or $date =~ /$day_name\sat/mx)
307 2 14 if ($days{$day_name} == $dt->dow) { }
12 2 elsif ($days{$day_name} > $dt->dow) { }
329 233 80726 if ($date =~ /$day_name/mix)
345 34 75078 if ($date =~ /$hour/mix)
362 162 25938 if ($date =~ /$rs/mix)
364 0 162 if $ENV{'DFF_DEBUG'}